What is COLON HYDROTHERAPY? (Colonics)
COLON HYDROTHERAPY is an internal bath used to wash away old toxic waste accumulated along the walls of the colon. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, and a gentle infusion of purified water into the colon. By introducing temperature regulated water into the colon, waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation though muscular action of the large intestine. One colonic irrigation is the equivant of approximately four to six enemas. Colonics are recommend for ailments such as constipation, psoriasis, acne, allergies, and are used for general health balance.
There are many reasons why people receive Colon Hydrotherapy:
Relieves symptoms of intestinal distress; constipation (Caused by some prescription drugs),carbohydrate indigestion, diarrhea, gas, bloating,hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Colitis, parasites, skin conditions such as itching, Psoriasis, Shingles, and Eczema, inability to lose weight, and scar tissue and adhesions from surgery. Continuous headaches and migraines, back or shoulder pain, aching joints, gout.
Immune-compromised with Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr, candida, infections, colds or influenza.
For people who have undergone chemotherapy,Colon Hydrotherapy can assist in the removal of toxins after chemo or radiation.
Medical reasons: pre- and post-surgery or barium x-ray, stool samples, and geriatric.
Assist in a fast or a cleansing program, a raw food diet, a liver and /or gallbladder flush.
The “Slo-fill” method can assist in the reintegration of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the fight or flight response.
Why consider a Colonics?
The role of the colon is to hold digested food until it is time to eliminate (bowel movement). While this waste material is held the colon, if the body is dehydrated, waste may harden and lead to constipation; if elimination is slowed, a build-up of waste results, exposing your system to accumulated waste longer than optimal.
Lymph nodes near the colon drain and detoxify its waste and support the body’s overall detoxification and immune response. Waste accumulated in the colon, can overload the nearby lymph tissue, reduce immunity and lead to health conditions including diverticulitis and candidiasis, as well as loss of colon muscle tone and strength, chronic irritations and abnormal tissue growth.
Also, the colon-in association with the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs-is one of the main eliminatory channels for the entire body. If the colon is not eliminating properly, extra waste is accumulated, overloading the body’s other channels of elimination and triggering discomfort and disease. When receiving colonic therapy clean water facilitates the colon’s cleansing and peristalsis, leading to greater colon strength and health. Upon release, the water also removes waste that may be lodged in the colon.
More Reasons to Getting a Colonic
Cleanse the Colon Thoroughly: Assists in absorption, and elimination through breaking down the fecal debris. Rejuvanates the colon.
Exercise the Colon Muscles: The build up of toxins weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. Having Colonics provides the exercise to the colon while increasing the tone of the muscle.
Reshape the Colon: Problem conditions can lead to an altered shape of the colon. That in turn causes many more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with massage techniques of the colon hydrotherapist, enables the colon over time to get back to its natural state.
Hydration of the Whole Body: One of the three ingredients that the colon absorbs is water. The absorption of water increases the volume of blood in the body. Increased blood volume improves circulation, resulting in greater bathing of the cells. This dillutes the toxins in the body while flushing them out. Which relieves toxemia, increases kidney, bowel and skin elimination while assisting circulatory and cardiovascular efficiency.
Not everyone will be open to getting a colonic. For those people there are some great products to maintain colon health. Jim Foley’s Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse. 100% Herbal capsules garanteed to maintain a healthy colon. We also Surgest adding Living Streams Liquid Probiotic and Mullzyme Mucus Dissolver.
Living Streams Probiotic is all natural and made from naturally occurring lactic acid flora found in many foods such as vegetables, cheese, and other dairy products. Living Streams Probiotic contains the beneficial flora, along with a high concentration of various by-products of these friendly bacteria, such as “B” vitamins, enzymes, natural fighters against the bad bacterias (bactericins) and other yeast and fungal inhibitors and other substances necessary for homeostasis.
Jim Foley’s Colon Pills help digest mucus, but a mucus dissolver can expedite removal of this hardened mucus lining. Digesting the mucus that is lining the colon walls takes time. Avoid the most mucus-producing foods, milk products, especially ice cream and yogurt. Mucus that comes out looks like mucus. For maintenance, it is advisable and recommended to take 1 Mullzyme daily to help keep the colon walls free of mucus buildup. My best surce for colon health products: www.thebreathoflife.net
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