Saturday, December 11, 2010

Colon Hydrotherapy - as Prevention

Great article by Olivia M. Kappel... using Colon Hydrotherapy as prevention!

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
Olivia M. Kappel LMT

Often people call and ask me what benefits they can derive from having colonics.
They usually explain that they have just talked to a friend or finished reading a book
that suggested the procedure, but since they are not constipated they are not sure
if they need to have one. Often people express that their doctor has said that bowel
habits are so varied between people that it is within normal range to have a bowel
movement once a day, every other day, or every two days. More than one person
has been told that once a week is enough. I am often asked to give my opinion
without knowing anything about the person. There is usually concern about pain
and possible injury to the colon. Most of the time, I sense an underlying attitude
shaded with mystery that, if this is so important, why didn't my parents, the schools,
or my doctor tell me about this? There may be a myriad of questions, some almost
baiting me to get on my "soap box." The bottom line question when people call, is
usually, "Well I read about it. But what's it really about? What can it do for me?"
Since the "powers that be" frown on any claims for procedures not locked up by
them, I hesitate to make claims, especially since I do not know whom I am speaking
to on the phone. So I usually explain some of the reasons people come to see me
as follows:

People come to see me, over and above being constipated, often because of
digestive problems, like gas, irritable bowel, and heartburn. Often there are food
sensitivities, or allergies (both contact and airborne) which are symptoms. Some
people have frequent or persistent flu or colds. There are those who have low
energy or chronic fatigue. There are some that are worried about blood pressure
problems; some have lung or breathing issues. While colonics are contraindicated
during the first trimester, many women find relief during later months of pregnancy.
There are many, especially those who have taken lots of antibiotics, that have
digestive problems accompanied by skin break outs or fungal infections. I see many
people who suffer "the heart break" of psoriasis, or eczema. Some people are
changing diet or life style or coming off drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. There are those
that are on weight loss programs or are fasting. Serious illnesses like cancer,
hepatitis, autoimmune conditions bring people to our clinic. Some of those in the
"public eye" believe that colonics keep them looking younger as well as functioning
better. Many who realize that their work brings them in contact with toxic materials
choose to do periodic cleansing as prevention. People with family histories of colon
problems often seek me out to do colonics as a preventative measure, also. Even
the most reluctant men with prostrate or urinary conditions find my door.
In terms of physical discomfort, I am honest with people and tell them, it may not be
their most favorite procedure, but most people feel so much better after the
procedure, they think whatever discomfort they experienced was worth it. There
should be no excruciating pain during or after having a colonic. In fact, colonics are
quite relaxing and for some even pleasurable. And that's ok too. I do not believe
that "no pain, no gain" is a valid maxim for personal health care. Judiciously done,
colonics are safe, relaxing, and do not upset internal intestinal flora, hormone
levels, the sodium potassium balance, nor do they "blow out" the chakras. Heavy
antibiotic use, hormone replacement therapies, imprudent use of iodized table salt,
and reckless life style do more damage to the system, than colon hydrotherapy has
done since the third century AD Essenes' Gospel of Peace first advocated "water
therapy" in writing.

Please note that I am not saying that anyone can give colonics, or that cautions
should not be observed when seeking out a therapist or researching to see if it is a
procedure that you may need or wish to experience. There exists a great deal of
misinformation about colonics and enemas. "People are usually down on what they
are not up on" including some doctors. One of my teachers, who had prepped
people for surgery with enemas, said that he was teaching me procedures that
were at one time in the Medical libraries. Even some of the old Veterans' hospitals
still have colonic machines, now unused, due I am told to being a headache to
sterilize in an age of disposable enema bags. In truth, I have worked on my share
of medical personnel, who believe in the benefits of water therapy, but fear peer
pressure if prescribing it to their patients. One doctor told me that he just did not
want the liability.

My advice to most people - if you decide to do a colonic, then just do it. Don't
vacillate. It is very easy to find excuses in a culture, that I am told tends to be anal
retentive, homophobic and physically abused, to allow health issues dealing with
the GI or colon to go unattended until they manifest as life threatening. If nothing
else, think of colon hydrotherapy as prevention. Having said this, I am fully aware
that, "While there is high praise for heroic operations after years of watchful waiting,
there is very little thanks for prevention."

Copyright January 2001 Olivia M. Kappel

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